Our Circular Solutions

Shortage & Savings

Shortages and Savings

Computing Supply Chains are rarely in balance. We monitor your builds to identify and solve shortage risks by supplying the components you need, on time. We use the global market to securely bring you component cost savings

We use the global market to securely bring you component cost savings. By buying your excess, and maximizing the returns, we create new revenue streams for you.

Security and Complaince

Circular Security and Compliance

In your reverse supply chain, we manage the data security of your devices, thru the R2V3 Process and we test each component to ensure it meets the highest quality specifications.

In your forward supply chain, we manage the compliance flow of new, controlled parts, such as graphics.

R2 Certified1 Million plus assets managed500+ Clients ServedISO
Circular Sustainability & Shared Value

Circular Sustainability & Shared Value

We help you hit your sustainability goals and save money, backed by our expertise and membership of leading circular tech initiatives worldwide.

Our business runs on Shared Value principles: creating solutions that benefit your company, our partners, our communities, and the planet.

Inventory Programs

Inventory Programs

Circular Systems simplifies inventory management and datacenter decommissioning.

Our enterprise software and expert processes handle itemizing, serializing, sanitizing, and testing.

Costs are seamlessly included in your business transactions, and our circular markets ensure you get maximize returns.

Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence

We are experts in computing components. We combine data with deep market insight, delivering actionable advice to anticipate imbalances, hit sustainability goals, and seize savings.